Lee Church Congregational

Worship God, Love Each Other, Serve the World

Curating a Life of Spiritual Depth

“To be a ‘Purveyor of Awe’ is to be intentional about curating a life of spiritual depth,” explains Dr. Marcia McFee whose Worship Design Studio produced the “Purveyors of Awe” worship series we are using for Lent (see the trailer below).

As the hours of daylight grow longer in this season before Easter, let’s discover together the impact awe can have on our personal wellbeing and our perception of the world – and by extension, on how we live out our purpose as a church: to worship God, love each other, and serve the world. 

May curating a life of spiritual depth as “Purveyors of Awe” help us shine forth as “Easter people” in a Good Friday world. For the whole Creation’s sake, Amen.

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Cat

Sunday Worship is at 9:30 AM

Join us in worship!

We welcome you to our open and affirming community. Please join us for worship and fellowship from 9:30 - 10:30 am on Sunday mornings in beautiful Lee, New Hampshire.

Services are family friendly and dress is how ever you feel comfortable! If you are unable to join us in person, we warmly welcome you to join us on Zoom! Click  here to recieve the Zoom link. See the upcoming worship schedule below.

March Worship Services at Lee Church Congregational

Rev. Catherine Allard will preside over all worship services

March 2 – Communion Sunday / Transfiguration Sunday / All Ages in Worship

Beginning the Season of Awe

Lent is the period of 40 days that begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Holy Week – the 40 days do not include Sundays which are always a celebration of the resurrection. The word “Lent” comes from an Old English word for “spring.” It is derived from the German word “lang,” meaning “long” (as in longer days due to more hours of sunlight!). As the hours of daylight grow longer in this season before Easter, let’s discover together the impact awe can have on our personal wellbeing and our perception of the world.

"Beauty" Wednesday, March 5 – Ash Wednesday, 6:30 PM service

"Wonder" March 9 – Spirit & Song Sunday / First Sunday in Lent 

"Meaning" March 16 – Second Sunday in Lent 

"Curiosity" March 23 – Third Sunday in Lent 

"Delight" March 30 – Fourth Sunday in Lent / One Great Hour of Sharing / NO Café Church  

Click here and sign up to join us by Zoom.

What We Believe

The Lee Church community believes our purpose is to worship God, love each other and to serve the world. 

We are guided in our mission knowing in our hearts that God loves us and calls us to serve. We seek to welcome all and following the example of Jesus Christ, reflect God's love to each other, our community, and the world.

Open and Affirming

Lee Church Congregational is open and affirming, welcoming all to participate fully in the life of our church family, its ministries, fellowship, leadership, rites and sacraments, regardless of age, ability, race, ethnicity, faith background, social or economic situation, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.